Killing of Brit abroad.

I was wondering if anyone has a thought or, opinon on the man that was stabbed to death in a taxi why on holiday with his friends. It seems we have a problem going abroad and cant control our drinking habits. Sad really but, it seems like its 90% of british young people who start alot of hassle when drunk and abroad plus i point out we do have a bad reputation

La Marina

I agree completely, us brits do cause most of the trouble abroad because of drinking too much. I went to Alora (Costa Del Sol) last summer for their fiesta. It was mostly Spanish teenagers drinking 'tinto' and dancing even the police joined in. There was no trouble at all. Just goes to show!

Commented karen in Almoradi 2011-07-17 09:42:19 UTC

I know the brits are a problem with there binge drinking but this is no excuse for anyone to go around stabbing them, however much they are provoked. It is frightening to think that anyone could be carrying knives around with them.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-17 14:03:53 UTC

Eve.. I read i huge write up on this situation this morning. It seems thought the even the guys friends said to the police that they provoked the cab driver and i think now days for your own protection people should be able to at least carry CS spray if sed in the correct situations and used right it could save your life or the lifes of people your with. As you yourself could be in a situation and they could pull a knife or a weapon on you and then your left to defend yourself with your hands and your hands will not over come a knife or a weapon. Its true no one should be killed just for that but when you go to another country and act like they were you are asking for 100% trouble

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-07-17 14:58:33 UTC

Andi I don't suppose any of us know what we would do until faced with a situation. I hope I don't have to put it to the test.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-17 16:15:49 UTC