BEWARE - Stupid Unoberservant Drivers !!

This morning we drove out along the San Fulgencio Canal road (where the road has been turned in to a single traffic road while the roadworks are being done. We met 4 motorists driving towards us along this one-way road. At the other end we checked to see if the No entry signs had been taken down and they haven't. There are 2 signs - one on either side of the turn off saying No right turn and the other is a No entry sign.........Can't these drivers' read these signs ?????????

The only difference at the moment is that somebody has removed the plastic bag covering the sign post which says La Marina urbanisation - so that is now still showing. BUT, as I said there are still 2 signs (one each side of the road) saying NO ENTRY .......SO, please be careful when driving off the urb along the canal road as you will probably meet drivers coming in the other direction !!

La Marina

This has happened to me a few times, even before the 'new' road was widened. All I did was stand my ground and let those who were ignoring the signs, work their way round the cones. I know it's not an infallible guide,but the drivers looked both Spanish and British.
Maybe Jim W. can arrange for the La Marina sign to be covered up again!!

Commented David in La Marina 2011-07-18 16:14:30 UTC

Yes David, I think the sign should be covered up again, although as I said there are Two No Entry Signs up there so that really should be clear enough. Drivers should be more aware of the road signs - this is how accidents happen ! I just wonder how much longer the workmen are going to take until this road is actually finished ?????????????

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-18 17:04:56 UTC

Met two offending drivers coming the wrong way last night a male and a're gonna love this !....behind me was a Police car who stopped them, gave them a good finger wagging and made them both turn around and drive all the way back.
"Well done the local Constabulary"
Bob H.

Commented Bikerbee in Hondon de las Nieves 2011-07-20 13:26:07 UTC

WOW - Yes I love it. At least this time the *local Constabulary* were in the right place at the right time to catch them - usually when something like this happens or an idiot is overtaking/speeding and driving dangerously, they are nowhere to be seen.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-20 15:05:24 UTC

I use the track road like so many more which is to the right coming from San Fulgencio just before the canal and the road being repaired. its a pity that the police and/or town hall department in their wisdom didnt sign this alternative as a divertion.

Commented Malika in La Marina 2011-07-20 16:34:47 UTC

Yes, very good point Malcolm. OR the only other way is going all the way through Oasis. It's OK if you are coming from Elche way. Does anyone know when the canal road will be finished and back to 2-way traffic ??????

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-20 17:03:57 UTC

We went out last night and, once again, met 2 cars along the canal road coming towards La Marina urb (which is suppose to be a one way road at the moment). The 2 No Entry Signs are still up there to say NO Entry and No Right Turn - SO why are drivers still taking no notice? Does anybody know when these roadworks on the canal road will finally be finished - it seems like they have been working on it forever !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-28 07:14:55 UTC

I live in a one way road,and about half the traffic comes down the wrong way,I just take it as normal,and treat all roads as two way therefore dont have to take evasive action too often.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-28 09:00:13 UTC

Why cant the Police just cover the offending sign up it only needs them to use a new black bag and some string

Commented Spanish Connections in Rentals in Spain 2011-07-28 15:24:41 UTC