Great to live in La Marina

I need to get away from talking politics for a while,So instead of getting depressed about life here what is the chance of cheering ourselves up.La Marina is still a great place to live although we can all find things to make it better,why dont we post a few good things only,and see how it goes
I will start with a few things and we can go from there
The roads are clean
the park areas are plentiful and generally well kept
people have time for each other
medical facilities are good
the weather is fine
hooliganism is minimal
we have Spanish Life
We have terrific neighbours and Friends
We are close to the beach
That is my starters,La Marina has lots more advantageous things,we only need reminding of them,So come you lot think of a lot more

La Marina

Yes quite agree with you Alan - had more than enough of politics to last a life time up here, that's why I keep changing subjects to make another topic come to the front !!

My contribution is that it is soooooo much cheaper to live out here than in England ie food, meals, wine etc etc and especially to go to a Chinese restaurant. In England you near enough need to get a mortgage out - especially if you dare to have a bottle of wine he he

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-15 11:31:44 UTC

Until you have a sewerage problem and you live on a Parque. I would go back to England tommorrow if I could sell my property.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-15 12:21:02 UTC

Eve if you like why dont you start a link giving all the bad things,I am sure people can find some,but I dId really want this one to be about good things,as i felt it may just help people to realise how lucky they are to live here

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-15 12:43:58 UTC

I always felt it was not a bad place to live but, I have found out today that because we live on a Parque that has not been adopted by the San Fulgencio Council, if things go wrong we have to put them right. Apparently within 18 months of our properties being built and sold there should have been a committee formed to take care of the problems, if any, that arose. This was not done. We moved here about 3 1/2 years ago and the solicitor who did all the checking and the paperwork, did not mention this. I do not know if the previous owners were aware of this or not. Because we are an end house, we are having the problems with this. We do not even know which houses are joined to this sewerage pipe. The problem is there are tree roots in the drains. We have already paid 130 euros to clear the drain to see where the problem was. Does anyone know a good, reasonably priced plumber who will apply to the council for the correct licence to do this sort of work. WHAT A BLOODY MESS. If it wasn't for the fact I am taking over a charity shop tomorrow, I would have a nervous breakdown, I will when I have time. I am trying to keep my sense of humour but its hard. I feel I am knocking my head against a brick wall.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-15 13:42:42 UTC

Only normally when I am back in the UK do I remember this, but its the light we have here that I like so much. In UK 2.00 pm pick up a newspaper to try and read and the only option with luck is sit in or on window sill or turn on the light. But not like that here - most of the daytime lights are not even needed in the winter.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-15 14:52:12 UTC

Sorry to hear your problems Eve - must be awful for you, but I doubt you could afford to live back in England with everything so much more expensive than it is here in Spain. Everybody has problems, we should know, but in the end they do get sorted one way or another, and who would wan't to go back to cold wet dreary expensive old England when, on the whole, we do have a much better style of life out here in the beautiful sun and meeting up with wonderful friends several times a week for a nice meal and few bottles of wine. I doubt you could afford to do that in England. Anyway Eve I would miss you lol xx

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-15 15:20:05 UTC

The wonderful, friendly, approachable people, neighbours and great friends, excellent, affordable nights-out, wonderful sunshine, fantastic community pool, the wonderful sunshine and the reasonably priced rose wine xx

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-15 15:37:30 UTC

Carol that is a nice thing to say - that you would miss me. Good friends are like a good bottle of wine. Am off to Hillside to night to see Jimmy Mac, to drown my sorrows. Have to go steady on the wine as I have to work tomorrow, would not do for me to be drunk on take over day - I hope I don't live to regret this move. If thingss get bad I can always go on the roundabout - on 2nd thoughts I'm too old for that.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-15 16:20:14 UTC

EVE....If you have more problems with the outcome e.g plumbers come to clear the drain then it blocks up again, ask them why they charging you again. In the plumbing/drainage world there is a term called a RE-CALL this mean if it blocks up again with in a certain amount of time you should not be charged again. Heres a few tips. Make sure they use a high pressure water jet, you want to tell them not ask them but tell them to make sure it passes 3000 psi quote that exactly. If they say sorry are machine does not go that high ask them to leave. Most drains out here block up through grease and fat. Back in the UK most homes link upto a 4inch clay pipe then go through a bowl called a interceptor. I have no idea how big the drain pipes are out here or, if there in clay,pvc or cast iron. If you ever see a a plumber or drainage man attempt to un-block a drain with just rods tell him to sod off. Its the quickest and less effective way of clearing a blocked drain. They could have it cleared with in 2 minutes and you will still be charged for the hour. Regardless of what your problem is you will be charged a hour minimum so make them work for that hour. If you need any advice on drains just ask i spent 5 years working for a plumbing/drainage company back in the UK before i changed trades. I dont claim to know all there is to know abouts drains but if it helps then good.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-07-15 16:31:53 UTC

Couldn't agree with you more about getting away from politics. Would it be possible to separate topics that attract a lot of comments? Politics and animals seem to top of the list.
Yes La Marina is a great place to live.

Commented jaytee in La Marina 2011-07-15 16:58:21 UTC

Hope you have a Great night at Hillside Eve. I'm sure you will with Jimmy Mac entertaining - we like Jimmy Mac don't we? We saw him at The White Swan last Wednesday - Lovely evening sitting outside having my yolky eggs, sausage & chips he he and a few wines ! Good luck for tomorrow xx

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-15 17:06:43 UTC

Jaytee - I have already asked IT Dept on several occasions if they can split up the long posts. The other day I counted 40 different postings for one topic (obviously do to with politics). It takes ages to scroll down to the bottom. I also asked IT Dept if they could limit the amount of text in one posting/section and if you wished to read more on this particular subject could there be a button to click read more click here. But as yet I have not heard back.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-15 17:11:11 UTC

Alan - well done - I was getting really fed up with all this crap about the council, what it does and doesnt do - if people are so unhappy why dont they just go back to the UK or wherever they come from and start to moan about council tax - fuel prices - food prices soaring - the government - pensions - the weather - dirty beaches, robbery and violence - to name but a few.. and leave the rest of us who are happy to get on with our lives - sorry if I offend anyone - but it does get rather tiring and boring everyday -

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2011-07-15 17:12:31 UTC

I am so glad you are happy with your life here. Unfortunately I have sewerage problems, are you suggesting I ignore them and act as if nothing had happened. I only put my comments on the forum to see if anyone had any ideas what I could do. I thought this was what the forum was for. A problem shared is a problem halved. I hope you never get any problems. But, never say never.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-15 18:37:55 UTC

Thanks for your help Andi. The drain man did come back. Unfortunately he cannot get rid of the roots of trees without digging up the road. Even though the council are not responsible for the drain, we have to get permission to dig it up.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-15 18:39:54 UTC

EVE.... If this is a proper drainage firm you are using they should have a machine called a router (100 machine) it stands on two small rubber wheels and has a big type drum machine on it. in this drum is a solid metal cable between 25ft and 70ft. Now the idea of this machine is for tree routes and cement stuck in pipes. You put little metal cutters on the end of it and it is fed down the pipe as it twists and turns the cutters cut or go through what is in the way. If you live in a community where you pay a certain fee each year for the up-keep of the area ask the president you want a survey carried out on your drain. As then you will find the exact problem. I must say though, a router machine (100 machine) will do the job.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-07-15 19:28:49 UTC

Hi Andi Thanks for your comments. Unfortunately when these houses were built no one saw fit to start a community committee, which apparently they should have done. We were not told anything of this when we bought the house, but you know what solicitors out here are like. It seems I am expected to sort out all these problems myself. We either have to pay for the work or live with the problem.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-15 22:34:09 UTC