What an experience we had! Absolutely supurb city to visit and would recommend it to anyone! We stayed in a 5 star Hotel, but that was only because it was a big Birthday present, however you can stay in relatively cheap accommodation and make full use of the transport in Madrid. The buses are very good and so cheap, but better than that the Metro is clean, cheap and so efficient you would not believe. For just 1 euro, this will cover you from one part of Madrid to the other, which is fantastic value for money & only 2 euros to Barajas Airport, could not believe this. You can also have the comfort of a open top tourist bus which provides all the orated history of every building and archetectural piece you see. There are 2 different routes you can choose from or do both.(best way to see the majority of Madrid) The restaurants in the central areas can be expensive, but if you come off the beaten track you have some wonderful local Spanish eateries with an abundance of fresh homemade food and the obvious tapas. We were lucky enough to be there when they had to major festivals in the main square and there must have been hundreds of thousands of people celebrating, dancing and singing and we did not see no violence whatsoever. Having said that the police presence was immense and they were situated on every corner.
You can also get cheap flights from Alicante which take 45 minutes, so if you do your homework you can package a deal at a very reasonable cost.
If you would like any more info then please let me know.
