Find out the Truth

Jeff Wiszniewski, I have no axe to grind with you,But as our only non Spaniard,on the council,I look to you to keep me truly informed on what is happening on La Marina.As yet I have asked a few questions,which you have followed up,but i gather did not ask for reasons to the answers given.One of these was the music in bars and your answer was sweet but was in fact a statement that anybody can complain about noise at any time and have the bar concerned turn the music down regardless of time of day.
The second thing animal ambulance being taken off the road by police,you stated the ITV ran out that day,could you not of asked to see the proof,because if it was the last day it was still valid to be on the road,so why did the police take it.Other letters state it was still valid for two more seems that some people are being short of truth when you ask questions,but you do not see these part truths and dig a little at the end of the day you are telling us what you are being told to say which in some cases is not the whole story

La Marina

Alan, personally I think that Jeff W is falling foul of his own enthusiasm. He is new in The Town Hall and I hope he quickly settles in and does a good job for us here on the Urb. We must remember that Jeff may have his followers and party behind him but at the end of the day he is a one man party in The Town Hall and perhaps has little or no power at the moment.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-06-29 06:59:39 UTC